What is the difference between a pure PVC floor and a PVC recycled floor?


PVC mats, boards and tiles are popular surfaces for creating and renovating surfaces both indoors and outdoors. You can also find these floor coverings made of pure PVC or recycled PVC in our range. Although these two options may look similar at first glance, there are some key differences between them. Let’s take a closer look.

Raw material and manufacturing:

PVC paving: paving made from PVC (Polyvinyl Chloride) is made from new plastic materials. PVC is a thermoplastic polymer that is used in many industrial applications because of its durability, longevity, and ease of processing. New and pure PVC granulate is often used for the production of PVC paving.

Recycled PVC paving: On the other hand, recycled PVC paving is made from plastic materials that have been processed and treated so that they can be reused. This includes PVC materials that have been previously used and recovered from recycling processes. This can include bags, bottles, cable packaging etc. Recycled paving thus contributes to sustainability and waste reduction.

PVC recycled tiles are ideal for places where you don’t have to deal with visual impact. This is the case for example in stable boxes – where the mats are covered with bedding, hay and manure.

Or manufacturing plants and warehouses where appearance is not the priority but load, or as a garage floor and workshop floor where functionality and cost of renovation wins over appearance.

Durability and properties:

PVC paving: PVC paving is generally known for its resistance to stress, moisture, mould, stains and mechanical wear. It is easy to maintain and retains its appearance and properties over the long term.

Recycled PVC paving: The quality and durability of recycled paving can depend on the quality and recycling process of the materials used. If recycled paving is made from high quality recycled materials and processed properly, it is just as durable as paving made from new materials.


Recycled PVC paving is generally more affordable than new PVC paving because recycled materials are more economical than new products.This can be an attractive factor for those who prefer greener and more sustainable options.

Aesthetics and design:

Pure PVC paving: PVC paving offers a wide range of patterns, colours and textures.This makes it easy to achieve diverse and aesthetically pleasing looks, colour combinations and variations.

Recycled PVC paving:

Recycled PVC floor tiles can have some aesthetic deficiencies that are associated with recycled materials and the manufacturing process. Here are some reasons why recycled PVC ballasted paving may not look as nice as paving made from new plastic materials:

Uneven color and texture: Slight changes in chemical composition and color tone may occur when PVC materials are recycled. This can cause recycled PVC to have a different color and texture than new PVC, which can lead to uneven pavement appearance.

Diversity of recyclate sources: recycled PVC comes from a variety of sources such as old pipes, bags, packaging, film and other products. These different sources may contain different color pigments and additives that can affect the appearance of recycled pavement.

Limited design options: some types of recycled PVC may have limited design options compared to new PVC. This may be due to the limited availability of recycled materials with certain patterns or colours.

Recycled material processing: Recycling of plastics is a complex process and 100% purity and quality of recycled PVC is not always achieved. This can affect the properties and appearance of the pavement.